
Welcome to the Curiosity Carnival. An exploration into the fun and messy behind-the-scenes of being a STEM teacher in San Francisco.

Going Analog: Task Management

There is something fulfilling about taking a pen and scratching off a task once it has been completed. I have tried many task management systems. From various list apps on the iPhone, to tracking programs with multiple users on the computer, I have always returned to the standard post-it note. I love the super sticky kind, since it sticks and re-sticks (when I move it off my office cabinets to my laptop for home transferring). I especially love the larger 4x4 inch lined super sticky post it notes. I use them to keep track of to-do tasks, student with missing work, save-the-dates, etc.

Although, there are other apps and programs out there, I have stood by several for particular reasons.
OurGroceries - a simple checklist for synchronized grocery lists between several iDevices.
ChoreMonster - cute task manager, with reoccurring tasks, and graphical interface for positive reinforcement. My husband is setup as a "parent" and I am a "kid" so that he controls how many points I earn for doing crunches, chest presses, and running on the elliptical.
Amazon Wishlist - both the browser widget and iPhone app for managing all my wants, needs, and look-up-later items.
Pivotal Tracker - for creating a master list of to-do items, which are claimed or assigned by users. It allows for progress bars, and commenting on assignments/projects.
Ravelry Queue - for creating a wishlist of knitting projects, assigning yarn, making pattern notes, and discussing projects with other users.


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